Restorative Yoga
Welcome to the tranquil world of restorative yoga.
Restorative yoga is a gentle, calming and nurturing form of yoga, designed to allow the body and mind to surrender to deep relaxation, providing the perfect antidote to the stresses of modern life.
Restorative Yoga, The Nest, Thursday 7.45pm
Restorative Yoga, The Nest, Friday 1.30pm

Restorative yoga is a practice that focuses on slowing down, and involves holding poses for extended periods, with the support of props like blankets, bolsters, and blocks to ensure complete comfort and ease. Each class takes place in The Nest which is a safe, serene and calm environment helping allow the body to soften and mind to come to a place of stillness.
Restorative yoga helps:
• Regulate our nervous system
• Helps to release muscular tension
• Aids Digestions
• Helps to manage anxiety and feelings of stress
• Can improve sleep quality
• Can support your immune system
"You are nurtured. You are "tucked in" with a plethera of blankets and it's just blissful, my favourite time of the week."
"Initially the thought of restorative yoga worried me as I thought I would be bored. However, I found restorative yoga to be transformative. I love it and actually think we could all do with a bit of restorative yoga in our lives, we just don't all know that! Thankfully I found you and now I do!"
"Honestly thought I had levitated during one class. No more needs to be said!"