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Menopause Yoga

Menopause yoga accredited badge

Each week this class offers a nurturing and supportive environment for women experiencing any stage of their journey through menopause. These weekly classes are designed to address the unique changes and challenges that come with all aspects of menopause, helping you find balance, strength and peace through the practice of yoga.


Weekly â€‹Menopause Yoga, The Nest, Thursday 12.15pm

Monthly Menopause Workshops, Saturdays 9.30am

Menopausal Women Practicing Yoga Outdoors

Although we won't be having a long women's circle as we do in the monthly menopause sessions, there will be time to check in with one another. Each session incorporates gently and restorative poses, breathwork and relaxations to help alleviate the plethora of symptoms women can experience. The best thing, is this class gives women a chance to connect with a community of women who share similiar experiences and understnad the journey you are on. These classes offer a safe space for open discussion, shared wisdom and mutual support. 

These weekly menopause yoga classes are open to any women, whether you are new to yoga or not, you will find a welcoming and inclusive space to practice.  


"Loved this. We talked, we shared, we moved."


"It was perfect having a small number of people in a lovely safe space. "


"I am not into yoga so thought it wouldn't be for me but the yoga was very relaxing, completely  doable and totally enjoyable. "
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